BERNcash Coin History

BERN is a PoW/PoS hybrid. This means that coins are generated through both Proof of Work mining and Proof of Stake minting. Both PoW and PoS are processing BERN transactions and validating transactions. You are rewarding for doing so.

Thanks to ‘easy pool mining’, PoW mining has never been simpler! Just a click of a button and you are pool mining BERN with your CPU! GPU mining is much more efficient but, needs additional and more sophisticated software.

Mining pools currently offering BERN PoW mining are CWI and JadePool. Proof of Stake happens after you have held BERN in your wallet longer than 24 hours. You are rewarded 10% annual with BERN. Think of it as earning interest on your BERN holdings. You must have your BERN wallet running, fully synced, and unlocked to stake.

BERN was made by the people, for the people, to empower the people to contribute to a political party or candidate 1) instantly 2) with low fees 3) while not feeding the evil empire that is our present banking system that has enslaved every man, women, and child for hundreds of years..

Coin Features

  • Name - BERNcash
  • Ticker Code - BERN
  • Algorithm - X14 (PoW/PoS)
  • Total Coins - 200,000,000
  • PoW Ends: Block 6,519,080
  • PoS Min coin age: 24h
  • PoS Ma coin age: 4years
  • PoS Interest: 10% Annually